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Dec 12, 2016

It is now clear that the coordinated media propaganda campaign to falsify delusional accusations about Russia influencing the U.S. election has a specific political purpose: To pressure electoral voters to dump Donald Trump before Dec. 19th, the day electoral votes are cast.

Across the entire left-wing media -- which now teeters on the verge of clinical mental illness -- you are witnessing a coordinated, timed, strategic assault on America, democracy and freedom itself. The Washington Post has been leading this charge by fabricating conspiratorial accusations out of thin air, failing to name even a single source to back up their deranged assertions.

Now, the left-wing media is passing out tin foil hats to everyone in sight and telling them to start hyperventilating the "Russians defeated Hillary" narrative until a "consensus" is reached among them all. When a sufficient number of delusional leftists achieve a uniform hallucination that blames Hillary Clinton's defeat on someone other than Hillary Clinton, the hallucination is then deemed a "fact."