Jun 30, 2016
Whole Foods' CEO Walter Robb is captured on video professing his enthusiastic support for a Monsanto-engineered GMO "fake labeling" law that would outlaw existing GMO labeling laws nationwide.
Whole Foods was then caught LYING about all this, claiming Walter Robb never said any of that. Watch this video and decide...
Jun 27, 2016
A special Independence Day message from the Health Ranger about Food Independence. Are you self-reliant? Did you know that food can be used against you as a weapon? If you aren't self-reliant with your food, you're not really a free citizens.
Listen and learn. Then visit these resources:
Jun 24, 2016
The Health Ranger congratulates UK citizens for their massive BREXIT victory! A global REVOLT against bad government and tyranny has now been unleashed...
It's time that the citizens of the world threw off the shackles of parasitic bankers, criminal politicians and corrupt, lying state-run media.
Stay informed at
Jun 22, 2016
The Health Ranger reveals how Donald Trump can beat Hillary Clinton and win the 2016 presidential election.
This list of three game-changing topics could bring Trump an extra 5 - 10% of progressives while keeping the votes of nearly all conservatives.
Learn more at